1 September 2024 – Due date for corporation tax due for the year ended 30 November 2022. 19 September 2024 – PAYE and NIC deductions due for month ended 5 September 2024. (If you pay your tax electronically the due date is 22 September 2024)…
Year: 2024
The ‘fiscal’ goal posts will be moving
In the coming months we will start to see how our new government intends to change the UK tax rules to further its economic growth agenda. Whatever they decide to do, readers who presently benefit from tax and/or business planning strategies, should be prepared to…
When you cannot use the Property or Trading Allowances
Two separate £1,000 tax allowances for property and trading income were introduced in April 2017. If you have both types of income highlighted below, then you can claim a £1,000 allowance for each. The £1,000 exemptions from tax apply to: • If you make up…
Inheritance and tax
As a general rule, an individual who inherits property, money or shares is not liable to pay tax on the inheritance. This is because any Inheritance Tax (IHT) due should be paid out of the deceased’s estate before any cash or assets are distributed to…
Thinking of selling your business?
Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR) applies to the sale of a business, shares in a trading company or an individual’s interest in a trading partnership. When the relief if available, Capital Gains Tax (CGT) of 10% is payable in place of the standard rate. This…
Income Tax in Scotland
The Scottish rate of income tax (SRIT) is payable on the non-savings and non-dividend income of those defined as Scottish taxpayers. The definition of a Scottish taxpayer is based on whether the taxpayer has a ‘close connection’ with Scotland or elsewhere in the UK. The…
What your tax code means
The letters in your tax code signify your entitlement (or not) to the annual tax free personal allowance. The tax codes are updated annually and help employers work out how much tax to deduct from an employee’s pay packet. The basic personal allowance for the…
Company filing obligations
It is important that anyone responsible for the accounts and tax filing regime for private limited companies is aware of their obligations. After the end of its financial year, a private limited company must prepare full annual accounts and a company tax return. The deadline…
Your stake in your business
Ever wondered how your stake in your business is represented in your accounts? The answer can be found at the bottom of your balance sheet. Simply put it is the value of your physical business assets less any liabilities; usually described as net assets. But…
Reclaiming pre-trading VAT
There are special rules that determine the recoverability of VAT incurred before a business registered for VAT. This type of VAT is known as pre-registration input VAT. There are different rules for the supply of goods and services, but VAT can only be reclaimed if…